Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

Today was a good day!  The whole weekend was great actually!  We got a lot done in the landscaping!  The house is finally cleaned and organized after the kids got out of school and soccer ended I finally unpacked and cleaned up after our beach soccer tournament trip as well!  Phew!  Now onto summer.  
Eric had a great Father's Day playing with the kiddos and having lunch with the family at the grandparents' house.  It was a scorching 91 degrees outside.  We took the kids up to the park at Grandma's suggestion.  There.. I made Grandma and all my boys and girl pose 😁 isn't grandma cute! I think they were a bit parched here...
I wasn't feeling very well when I got home so I took a nap with Rowan.  Lucky she was still asleep from the car ride home.!! I think my gallbladder may be acting up again 😭. I was feeling nauseous from the heat or the food idk... The usual pain under my right rib is signaling it's time to try Karen Hurd's bean diet again.  She's a nutritionist I came across on a Google search years ago. I followed the information on her website and feltso much  healthier after!  
Anyway, I woke up from my nap and the kids went into the pool for a while and then we ordered a pizza.  Pizza definitely won't help my gallbladder.. But I did take a shot of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water with the pizza, which usually avoids an attack!
Everyone went to bed so nicely and I was feeling better so I did an arms and abs workout!  I feel strong! 💪😃. Really, no better way to end a beautiful weekend!  I feel like I'm ahead for Monday 😍😍😍 If only I could fall asleep now 😕😴😴😴